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March 29, 2006



i've often wondered if it was difficult to make sausage since i love it so much. we have found some wonderful organic sausages here in ky that "go crazy" and add apples and fruits that give the sausage a delicately sweet flavor.

my biggest complaint with store bought sausages is that they mix meats instead of keeping it consistant. because of that, i can't have sausages in restaurants.


Fantastique Ms. Glaze. Not at all that complicated. I think I'll ask the butchers I know here along the Rue Daguerre what they do... There's one place that specializes in sausages. I usually buy them there – sometimes there are pistachio bits in them. Varied, in a way like wine or cheeses are.

A Curious thought. I was once on the Rue Oberkampf eating boudin blanc and the texture of that was nothing at all like anything I'd ever had. It didn't quite seem like meat. I'll have to enquire.

Merci pour la recette... MR


Great post, where (in Paris) do you buy your casings? What is the french name for it?


I had a teacher who had worked as a butcher and told me enver to buy sausages because they were filled with old scraps of meat left lying around. I've been traumatized ever since. I would however, love to make my own filled with proper meat, and maybe some sundried tomatoes and spices. Would be fun to play around with. Merci for the daily inspiration.

king Negrito

OHHHHH... the sausage secret unleashed, that s great ..... can i taste one of yours one day ???


I was reading this piece with such joy and thought momentarily of making my own until I got to the part about the pig's blood, and then from somewhere deep within my little Jewish conscience piped up and bonked me over the head saying "oy vez iz mir, your ancestors escaped the knives of the Cossacks so you could drink pig's blood??" Here in France, we have officially reached the realm we can call The Opposite of Kosher.

...but it doesn't keep me from regularly ingesting other parts of the pig... there's just something about blood!

Maureen Molleron

I love making sausages, but cannot find a way to buy the casings in Paris. I've asked my butcher, who thinks I'm an American freak. I presently make sausage patties, because I cannot find the casings.
Do you know where I can buy them in Paris?


Is it possible to get the recipe converted to standard measurement?
May I also have one for Garlic Sausage?



Thank you! I'm having a sausage making party this weekend (30 metres of casings - eek!) and this was exactly the recipe I wanted.

Air Jordan

I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.

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