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July 07, 2006



Post final comment: Ouch. It was a tough match...


the biggest ouch came with zidane head butting the italian and getting red carded. man. that was so odd!


Once again, the world was amazed by the elegance (head butt) of France losing the World Cup.

Why this happened? Visit my blog for analysis.


And celebrate this new French defeat!

Kristen Nweeia

I can only imagine what the atmosphere was like in the restaurant on Sunday. I myself was at the Fancy Food Show in NYC and was enthralled with the cheers coming off the international sections. We could always tell who was winning by the direction of the cheers and howls. Once Zidane was red carded... the French representatives became so sad. They said "that's it then".


The BLEUS deserved to win-it's a crying shame :( Triste


I have a different opinion... but oh well, game is game! Let the best win.
sigh* sigh* from Portugal :-(

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