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March 27, 2007



Welcome back!
Enjoy your lounging time and spring in Paris before the French government get off their asses and get your permit to you. (that could take a while!)
Delicious looking recipe!

Chris Late

Can "How to skin a rabbit" ever live up to its frightening prequel, "Don't Be a Boar"? I shudder in anticipation...or is it dread?

MS. Glaze

Oh yes! The video is even more horrifying than the baby boar pics. To hunters I will probably look like the next pinup doll "Hey Cleetis she can cook and skin yer rabbit!"

In reality I feel there's a huge disconnection between the food we buy in the super markets and the actual product, ie, the animal. Animals are now products like coca cola and lysol.

Although skills like butchering seem barbaric, they potentially can allow one to eat meat that has been hunted and raised naturally. No pesticides, no chemicals, natural habitat, etc, etc etc. More on this next week....

Ms. Glaze

Niall Harbison

hey there, just been lucky enough to discover your blog totally by accident. I really love it, especially the cooking videos, its the way forward and exactly what i do as well!


hey amy... i am curious about your phrase c'est terrible. is it awesome or awful that you are not working at the restaurant and are lounging about???

Ms. Glaze

OMG Niall – your blog is sooooooo cool. Great videos! Really neato!!!

Jeorg – I think it's a little bit of both. But I am really getting bored. If I'm not nailed down to a demanding schedule I seem to lie about listless like a vegetable. I need structure!


I'm sure the French Government will give you soon the permit to work!meanwhile....this is a great recipe for us!


hmmm. to be bored in paris. i think i know what you are talking about. i think i know something you could do. i need to email you.

San Francisco Photos

Yum, yum yum, that looks really tasty!

Stu "El Inglés" Harris

Tried it last night. LOVED the flavour. Ten mins after the apple slices went in was PERFECT.

Next time I think I'll slice the onions fine instead of rings. Thanks for the formule...


proper French is "recettes delicieuses" since the word recette is feminin.

creer t-shirt

Thx for the recipe. I think "délicieuses recettes" is better than "recettes délicieuses"

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