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April 26, 2007



FUN! Amy
And it looks so easy!
I wonder, are you really steaming the scallops with the lid on the barbie?


It wasn't clear to which you were adding the oil and the wine, the scallops or the veggies. Perhaps you could include an ingredient list and written instructions?


Love what you are doing here! This is just fabulous and informative and inspirational! I am off to the Half Moon Bay fish vendor for scallops today!

Ms. Glaze

Carol – I'm so glad you could watch this one! My mom doesn't like the animal videos either...

Bob – The olive oil and wine both go with the veggies. You can add a little wine to the scallops too, but add it before the cream and bbq a minute before. Sometimes wine can make cream seperate if added afterwards.

Kate – How's the farm? What are you growing!?!?! Miss you guys!


You are awesome....I think this is a new series in the works! I am totally going to try that recipe!


i love it! your terrace is BEAUTIFUL i want to come visit....tonight


This is so great! I just love the straight-forward wonderful preparations you have made here. They remind me of this wonderful book "Parisian Home Cooking" by Michael Roberts.

Ms. Glaze

Just curious – where do you get fresh scallops on the West Coast? Are they flown into Las Vegas Jamie? Does Robochon use them?!?!? Bisous, Ms. Glaze

Eddie Lin

I wish I could recreate your recipe exactly as you have, but, alas, I don't have access to a Parisian terrace...

Christine (myplateoryours)

What fun! Lucky you to have such a lovely rooftop terrace in Paris! Bacon is cooked first, or no?


A friend of mine recommended your site, and I absolutely love it! I am going to try this recipe for sure (as soon as Seattle warms up a bit).

I really love this video series and hope to see more soon!


Great video, I look forward to the next in the series!

Ms. Glaze

Great question about the bacon. I know I was calling it bacon in my video, but actually it was lardon. I was just using the meat part of lardon and not the fat. If you use bacon then a quick sauté is recommended in advance. Thanks for catching that!!!

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