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July 10, 2007


Sara Goldrath

That was so cool! I loved the interview! Its like your famous or something...
Miss you, hope your summer is going well! Hope to see you soon-like really soon...your coming out here arent you?
Happy late anniversary to you two!!
Love, Sara


glad you got the audio onto the site! love the part when you clip off the fins. xx L


Oh, not fair, you can only listen to WPR in France! What's that? Talk about lack of globalisation...

Your interview was very good.


Excellent interview Ms G and congrats on becoming a Radio Star. Who said Video killed him?

I'm an avid BBC Radio 4 fan and, given a choice of radio or TV know which I'd take to a desert island.

Some Radio 4 'magazine' programmes have a cooking spot - so your idea of recipes or cooking techniques is one with mileage.

They also do The Food Programme which is more often to do with social/economic/political/environmental issues around food but is a great listen anyway.



Bonjour... Couldn't ever get your clip to load using the links in your blog, so I finally followed the URL back to the roosieandroo site and loaded the .mp3 file (instead of the .html).
Whooo-hooo...success! Just in case anyone else has the same problem.


the pauper

it's random how the journalist's voice sounds very NPR-ish. i wonder if your voice changes when you start doing radio...

and an internet radio of a cooking show would be great. there is one in new york and he brings on guests and takes user questions.

Mantra Mali

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DJ Stringbean

Thank you Ms Glaze! (I don't know if your first name is on the site, so I won't say it). Just incase you didn't know, this is your lovely neice. Thanks for advertising School of Pop!!
Love you
"DJ Stringbean"

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