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March 22, 2008



I would very much like to see bunny ears on a lamb!
I saw in Paris a chocolate chicken sitting on a GIANT egg bigger than it's head.
And a chocolate bunny with a GIANT egg for it's tummy..
So why not bunny ears on a lamb?


Oh sure, wait until Easter to post your Easter recipe. I've got a rack of lamb I'm still pondering at 7:00PM.

Stu "El Inglés" Harris

I have a leg o'lamb, 5pm and guests coming. I can't face the work involved in that gorgeous-looking recipe but I'll give the artichoke purée a shot (cheating with canned hearts).


Looks absolutely delicious!!

Ms. Glaze

Yes, I really have to apologize.

First of all, lets face it, this recipe is downright difficult, time consuming, and has loads of room for error (of course – it was part of my last classes at LCB). Secondly, I didn't even give anyone time to practice ahead of time and posted it right before Easter.

I just figured, I'm up to my neck in challenges, maybe you needed a few extra too!

It is super yummy though, if you're up for the test.

Ms. Glaze

Ms. Glaze

Stu – shoot, I wish I caught your comment earlier. Are you using artichoke hearts with the little leaves too? Or just artichoke bottoms? I'm not quite sure what the hearts would taste like puréed with hazlenut oil if they are marinated beforehand. Let me know how it works out

Stu "El Inglés" Harris

The ones with the smallest tenderest leaves. They puréed up just fine, and I loved it but my guests apparently didn't. Half of it's still in the frigo.


hey ms. glaze, just wanted to say I decided to make a blog too! the link is: http://moveablefeastblog.blogspot.com/

that leg of lamb looks good. cooking through pastry always scares me because you can't really feel when it's done. nice work!

Ms. Glaze

Stu – But, I hope they weren't marinated!?!?! When I make it with fresh artichoke the hazelnut oil is really not that powerful, but just a nice warm nutty undertone. Well, I'm glad at least you liked it!

Amir – Congrats on making the journey and bon courage with the blog and all the rest too!


Hmmm. How to tell if it's done? I've got a nifty instant read thermometer with a thermocouple in the tip of a long (11cm) needle (brand is Thermapen by Thermoworks). I bet it could measure the meat temp inside the bread. You would leave a small hole where you poked it in, but...


Recipe may look a bit difficult for most, but as a food lover, we are going to give it a try for sure.


Hmm...I'm willing to try lamb, but I'm surrounded by picky eaters.

Anything you would suggest to substitue with?

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This recipe Easter Dinner: Filet d'Agneau Du Boulanger this delicious.
my mom did the recipe. my father is now going to cook. thanks for this great recipe

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