« French Life: Laverie Automatique Part IV | Main | Easter Dinner: Filet d'Agneau Du Boulanger »

March 17, 2008


Stu "El Inglés" Harris

Aha, if you have high-temp frying technology you'd be fit to make the absolutely HEAVENLY french caribbean speciality known as Accrats de Morue. I have a recipe if you're interested -- I can't get my oil hot enough for it.


OMG Another FAB post!!!
Will read later after I run out to get some oysters!
What's a good time to call
Of course I left all my email addresses at home
Fell free to delete this message puleeeze
the place is HUGE and lovely
Great light
I'm waiting for the ping pong table to be delivered...ahem
email moi s.v.p.
Tried to call at 8am yesterday...I got out of th st michel RER and was right on "greek restaurant" street.
trying to get to the pool :(


You have a bed of paper towels?

Well, I guess that's one way to keep those visits to the laverie automatique to a minimum.

; )


Wonderful video AGAIN
Must remember to get oysters...vite.
Bed of paper towels...
Best bed I know of! What else does one sleep on for Gawd's sake?


Nice Amy,
and my greetings from Cyprus


lol...i did the same thing to...when i was at work one time... i deep fried apples... bananas... and brioche with blackberry jam in the middle... yum


What a great video! I'm in a complete sweat to get out for oysters and other assorted goodies....Yummy :) Ellen

Sara Goldrath

So please tell me why I watched the new Top Chef season premiere last week and you were NOT in it?!!! Love the vid cant wait to see you have your own show!


Ouitres au chateau?


Hi!! I think sounds wonderful and I really really wana try it... is there a way to substitute the beer for something else?

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