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February 27, 2010



Excellent! You're well on your way in spite of spending quality time with your porcelain buddy. And more importantly, you're blogging the trip which means we can follow along vicariously.

I liked "Leif" better (sic).


"I’m sure there are worse things to regurgitate, but I can’t think of many that top black beans, hot sauce, and marinated chicken."

You obviously haven't seen what happens when you mix thick crust pepperoni pizza with Tia Maria and canned fruit cocktail (heavy syrup).

Keep the wind at your backs.


Should further travel adventures move you west onto the I-10, please get in touch when you reach Texas. Room is available, for both body and truck, and border food is good.


What inspiring adventures! I had to post a link to your site on my blog because your recipe for shrimp with the pineapple salsa/avocado coconut cream really caught my eye! I will try it. Thanks for sharing these stories!


My God Ms Glaze! Even though St.
Christopher got demoted from saintdom, I still rever him as the patron saint of travelers and have prayed to him for your safe journey. As John C Fogerty sang, " I set out on the road, seeking my fame and fortune, looking for that pot of gold..." Good Luck. See you at the dock of the bay! John


I can't wait for the next update Missy!!! We are all waiting, breath held for the next chapter!!! Can't wait to hear about you and Annie in Alabama. This is so much fun to follow and the best part is you will be back in California soon, hooray!


It is Momofuku Ssam Bar, not Assam.

Berry K

Oh, fried Balogna! When I was a kid I used to make fried balogna sandwiches. I'd take a tuna can, roll up corrugated cardboard and pour melted wax into it, light it on fire and put it under a Hi-C juice can with holes for ventilation, and fry the balogna on top. Put it between two slices of Wonder Bread and it was a feast.

I haven't DARED make it since I was eleven, because I just know it won't be nearly as good as my memory.

I look forward to when you get out here and open your SF restaurant. Will you be able to handle Celiac (Gluten-free) customers?

(Feel free to finish your trip before replying...)


Hilarious story! I mean...ummm...we're not laughing AT you, we're laughing WITH you. No, really ;)

Glad you had plenty of beers to destress! Hope the rest of the trip is less "eventful".

Here via Kevin's blog.


So when do you get back to SF? I just moved from Denver, and would like to come and stage and maybe be apart of you team! Let me know a email address I can send my resume to.


Waving from Charlotte, NC!!! (Well, only virtually, since I'm actually at the beach this week.) The Johnson & Wales folks will be horrified to see that picture of Biscuitville in a story about Charlotte. We have some terrific restaurants.

Next time through, stop and sit a spell and have a bite to eat, as Andy Griffith used to say. No fried bologna, please!

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the last picture seems terrible,he he

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Sometimes even a moving in to a new home can make a fascinating and interesting journey. I'm glad you told the ins and outs from the beginning to the end so we can laugh, identify and even learn to the future.

Have joy with you new apartment and life in the big city, but never mind that - How delicious is the Fried Bologna, huh? :)

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Yes! I miss this food!

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