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June 16, 2010



Dear Amy,

This is a beautiful and sad story.... :-(
After all the energy and all the good ideas you bring in this project.
You have an amazing resume, a strong personality, and always bring the sun in the kitchen like you did everywhere you worked.
Amy, your place of chef at Singapore for us is still available....
All your photos are so beautiful, when i see them, i want to eat my computer :-)

Be strong Sexy Chef


Glad it's over. Very glad. Posh setting, but no heart. Take your time and find the best fit. Happy you're back on blog. Keep cookin'...


Amy, it sounds in the post as if you partook in a whirlwind marriage of sorts. But, the time away from blogging and reading in between the lines show that you just worked your ass off and committed yourself 100% and somewhere down the line you decided it wasn't good enough, so we will trust you on this. Whatever is next, I'm still with you. No matter, just believe in your innate ability to judge right.


Shoot! Come back to NY, we miss you!!!


Best of luck with your next adventure, whatever it is!


Well, I hope you stay in the Bay area because then I have some hope of actually getting to eat your food someday. I really look forward to that meal more than you can know. (And that burger looks and sounds like heaven on a bun!)


Wishing you all the best in whatever comes next (and the food really does look amazing!)


So glad to see you blogging again. Figured you were working so hard you had not a moment to spare. Good luck in the next phase. Take your time and be selective! Looking forward to more posts from your colorful culinary career.


Looking forward to the next chapter...and selfishly hoping your food will remain in the Bay Area for us to enjoy.


It seemed crazy to me. Glad you are out and glad you are back!


I wondered how long you could last. It was a wonderful dream but too much for one person. Still, I’m happy that you took a shot. Glad to have you back on the blog. I’ll be eagerly anticipating your next adventure. I know you will be a success. Take some time off if you can.


I've had jobs like that. Years later they make the best stories.

May I suggest some place in Palo Alto. Only because I get out there on a regular basis and have lots of friends that work there that I can send your way :-)

We will all be awaiting your next adventure. Love both your writing and your pictures.

Expat Stu

Come to San Diego. We need you!


All I can say is "aw, no" but I think I can piece everything together from the post and the comments.

I hope that the next adventure will be a little less "adventuresome" but we're all rooting for you and living viariously though your posts.

You still need to go back to Nob Hill to get your mail though (sorry!)

Cynthia Sims

I knew something was up! Glad to hear that you have licked your psyche and are aware that the door swings both ways. So many wonderful options :-)

Keep us posted, Chef xoxo


Hi Amy - sorry to hear that the situation didn't work out, but it sounds like it wasn’t a good fit. The price for running that kitchen was too much. I’m glad that my friend and I were able to meet you in person before seeing Conan a few months back – you were very fun, very sweet, and the food was amazing!!!
I’m happy for the positives this experience brought you, and look forward to you finding a perfect fit for *you* (though I do hope that perfect fit is still in the Bay Area :). Congrats on closing this chapter and beginning the next!! Let us know what’s next when you get the chance, and enjoy the time between your kitchens to have some fun.

Buckley Steele

After following your articles for 2yrs it seems to me you need to pick an area you love,then net work with
the most promising chef & chef-ettes in that area and make a stand and develop a regional reputation.
After following your blogs I know you've got it in you
to create and write. You definitely have a bright ,and creative future ahead of you and I'm sure you'll eventually open your own bistro someday.......with a Bullet ! ! :)


My God Ms Glaze! You have returned to life! Viva la joie de vivre! Viva Choucroutte Braisee A'L' Alsacienne! John


I'm glad to hear (read) your voice (words) again, and am sending warm thoughts your way.

Brian Frank

Good for you, Amy! Le Club was great, but mainly because you were cooking there. On to bigger & better things ...

I'm just glad I got to be one of the last patrons for your wonderful Chef's Table meal before you moved on.

Please let us know where you end up, because you've got a string of people waiting to enjoy your food no matter where you go.

BTW, that picture of Renee holding up the plate is great, isn't it?!?! It shows off your short rib dish perfectly. And she could put that into her modeling portfolio :)

Good luck, and talk to you soon.

- Brian


I want to thank you for the lovely meal that you prepared for myself and my friend. I am happy that I had the opportunity to dine at LeClub. Looking forward to your next adventure. Be well

Mary Ann

I admire you for having the guts to leave something you feel is just not right for you. Your adventurous spirit will take you far and I hope you let us all know where that is! GOOD LUCK!


Oh man, I'm definitely sad to hear that you closed the place before I had a chance to come visit. I realize we've lost touch, but I just graduated with my Bachelor's of Architecture, and am in SF for this summer until I move to Boston mid-August. If you are still in the city, I would love to meet up with you and catch up, hear everything you've done and what else you have planned. You've always been such an inspiration, and I'd love to share some of the exciting things in my life, too.

Let me know if/when you're in town and available.


Good luck on your next venture!

If you care to indulge...with what were you stuffing the small potatoes?

Health Insurance

Love to eat burger and vegetables most specially Sashimi.

Sexy Mexican Women

You'll be missed, Amy.

Fran, London

Sorry to hear it didn't work out, but I have been missing your posts so I hope you get a bit more time to keep us all up to date with your next venture. All the best.


WTF? I guess I'm late to the party.


i'm sorry to hear this, amy. if you left this soon i'm sure you had very good reason to do so. hope the next spot is a dream job and perfect fit.
now who's the SF chef? gary danko? :)

Dr. Biggles

You wacky chefs, so nomadic are you.

And, you got a spam comment up there, "Love to eat burger and vegetables most specially Sashimi."

My blog has been hit really hard over the last month by spammers entering in comments manually.

xo, Biggles


I was hoping to get a chance to try your cooking next time I was in SF. I live in Paris and followed your blog when you were here. If I could offer some unsolicited advice: you mentioned in your post that you always wanted your own kitchen and that you want the next restaurant to be one where you'll be for a long time - so perhaps the answer is to seize the opportunity of running the kitchen in the trendy/chic SF bar. I'm sure you've already thought of this, it's just those two sentences really jumped out from your post. Good luck!


I've enjoyed your blog , pictures and recipes.
I am going to France for my intermediate certificate at cordon bleu and was wondering if you could suggest where to find a good apartment. There are so many scams on craigslist. Any ideas would be appreciated!
Wishing you the best in your new endeavors!


Late for the party, even if it is the going away party. Darn, I was so nervous for you going into this as I know how tough this biz is, but confident you would do well and from the looks of the photos and your descriptions you did. No doubt there nor concern. Looking forward to your next adventure as I'm sure it will be just as interesting, insightful and entertaining as everthing els that you have shared with us. Thanks and In bocca al Lupo...


Glaze is really simple. I you have a plan for your life follow it. If you don't you are not alone and you just follow the money. For you I think it comes down to where you wish to be ten years from now. Youth is real $capital...expend it wisely an you will be rewarded.


I had not followed your adventure in quite a while. Some how, I don't think it's over.
For your next adventure, please don't forget to budget personal time.
How do you make a good steak sauce? Next time I grill I would like to serve it on a bit of sauce like the fancy restaurants. I have fresh shallots coming out of the garden.

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