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August 17, 2010


Michael Burgstahler

Great to see you back at blogging again!

Always enjoying your posts fresh from the oven. All the luck for your new job!

Expat Stu

Yes, glad to see you back in Blogistan. No plans to get to SF at the moment -- actually I'm going to Québec instead. There's probably a bite to eat somewhere there.

Cynthia Sims

With that said about the new menu changes, I wonder how long it will be before ol' Bauer shows up?

I got your back, girlfriend :-)

His section hosts "post a comment" as well....LOL


My God Ms Glaze! You have returned to life! I love Huevos Rancheros. And you have laghing bird shrimp! Fantastic! You must post pictures on Circa's website! John


Ah! excellent to see that you're back and running (the blog). Also great to hear that you've managed to put a stake into that awful Hopfinger dinner menu (no zombies please). Too bad the brunch will have to stay put but there are always rubber boots as the option for mimosa service.

Now what we all want to see are photos of your new menu items. Esepecially the hiramasa (for me anyway). And that toga party a couple of weeks back. And maybe mention on Circa's website that you're their new chef.


Oh my! It seems we've returned to San Francisco at the same time!

I can't wait until I can actually eat your food physically, rather than...what? Visually, I guess?!


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The masses (that could be me) whine loudly enough and things appear: I noticed that you're finally identified on the Circa website as their Michelin-trained chef.

"Her style is harmonious and feminine delivering flavorful unique dishes."



So nice to see a new post. The menu changes sound challenging and delicious. I'll confess that anything benedict is my favorite breakfast. Who doesn't love hollandaise and fresh-poached eggs?

Can't wait to hear more.

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Thanks for the kind words Alice Q. I concur, and therefore, the menu items that were off would not deter my patronage. Thanks for taking the time out to write it! I think spirituality is really important too, we certainly agree on that point. A leader without spirituality is missing a key element.


Glad to see that you are back blogging and have found "a team of your own" to carry out your artistic vision.

Butter Me Up

Amy, I don't think there's an end of the tunnel for you. Because you know how to reign in chaos with the greatest of ease. Kudos!


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S Lloyd

Sounds like an excellent bistro.
I guess a nice hang out right before night clubbing from what I gathered

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