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September 07, 2011



So glad that you are back! Quite the day you had with the chickens. An enjoyable read - thanks!


Finally! And an excellent post.


Well, hello!


Good to see you back writing again, the line back / southern belle with chicken image just creased me up!

North Face Coupons

The article is worth reading,Thank you very much! I will keep your new articles.


Yay! you're back on the air! And with chickens no less. It's just like La Chasse all over again, except without the copper pots and not having to dig bullets out of the meat.

I have been dreaming of poularde de Bresse en demi-deuil (but I have no poularde de Bresse and no truffle) so I am of course curious about is what you're going to do with them chickens.

And the cockscombs! I can't get any of those either.


The old domain is now pointing to a tourist site (in Japanese) promoting Okinawa.

Ms. Glaze

A japanese tourist site!?!?! Whuuuuut?!?! Crazy. Saving cockscombs for you....


Welcome Back! I was wondering and hoping for your return. Always an interesting read.

Brad prezant

I always enjoy reading your stories, you're such a talented writer! Now if only there were a picture of that cone, I've been chopping off their heads (that was after trying the loppers (too slow, but they sure work great on thick branches)), but have yet to find a good way to restrain the buggers for their "chop de grace"
Oh, I highly recommend the testicles, absolutely divine, and a treat you're not likely to find anywhere but on the farm. I first had them at Ducasse, where they were part of a signature dish he does with cockscombs and chicken and cream. Beware, if you cook them over too high heat, they explode! (No surprise, I can be like that, too.)


Ben tornato...Very happy for your return and a peak into your life again.


What a wonderful story. It is good to have you back, writing again.


wohoo! Welcome back :)

Ms. Glaze

Brad! The best bread maker in the world!!!! Where and how are you?!?! I will email you pictures of the killing cone. You can order on line. The size depends on the girth of your bird. Lopping the head off is fine, but if you cut the jugulars, it bleeds the bird easily and makes processing cleaner. I've never tried the testicles. Leave it to the French to make that a delicacy!!!! They are so small and they are INSIDE the bird!!!


I've been reading your blog for a few years and really enjoying it, despite being vegan myself - your prose was just that good that I kept reading. But today I'm unfollowing. I respect that you're willing to kill what you eat, as most people don't have the guts to do so, but reading this, and seeing the images (especially of the chicken alive in your hands, and then freshly dead), was very upsetting. Chickens are very sweet animals, and the casual way you approached killing her just struck me as so disconnected from any feeling or respect for life. I feel sad and depressed having read this.


Welcome back! We've missed you.

Ms. Glaze

Hi Sara, I'm sorry to offend. It was not an easy day for anyone nor did we feel disconnected or casual about the approach and I think this was evident from the way the day began with a very special poem that spoke to respect of all living things. I feel there is a huge disconnect for most between food that shows up on the dinner table and where and how it is processed. This goes for vegetables too. I intend (and have always intended through the very conception of this blog, if you have been a long time reader) to explore that connection with open eyes and heart. And to educate (myself and anyone else who is interested) so we can be more aware of the food choices we make. After this experience I can tell you that I will never eat Foster Farms again nor will I ever serve chicken that has not been organically raised. The chickens we butchered went to feed families in the surrounding area. Some of these people greatly depend on this food because it is a very rural area. Thanks for your comment and your honestly.


Chef, in all the years I've been reading your blog, I've never ever come across any impression that you'd ever disrespect anything. If anything you're exceptionally open and honest about what you're doing and what you're trying to learn, so tip of the hat to you.


nice post. I appreciate that you honor and respect the food you/we eat. I eat meat because it tastes good to me but I'm aware that it has to be killed and processed for me. I was interested to read about your feelings being involved in this process. Thanks.

The other brother.

Welcome back chef. I hope to get a chance to eat your food again!

Ms. Glaze

Hi "Other Brother"!!! You'll have to come out to the farm on your next California visit. Thanks for supporting me at my restaurants over the years!

Toni Carrell

Piece of cake compared to the ranch slaughters I grew up watching. Poultry is much easier than beef or pork, and rabbits are easier still because you skin them rather than plucking them.

Might I suggest you guys get a mechanical plucker? It would surely make you work much quicker and easier. They had one at the gun club where I used to be chef, and it didn't damage the birds at all.

Oh, and Little Miss Vegetarian seems like she could use a few doses of reality. Your chicken processing was as humane as it possibly can be. (Although it's easier on them AND you if they don't get away from you on the first try.) ;-)

I'm glad you're back, too, in spite of my tardy comment. Welcome home!

Ms. Glaze

Toni! You are so right on with the mechanical plucker. We vowed next time to get one because it shouldn't take a whole day to process 20 chickens and none of us were working slow. Plucking chickens takes time. What are they called? Whirly-gigs or something like that?

I agree that rabbits are by far the easiest, I had a lot of hare to reckon with in Paris during the game season (which seemed to last practically the whole year). Skin comes right off. I did a How to Skin A Rabbit video years ago in the restaurant I worked at in Paris, but took it offline because I couldn't monitor the comments fast enough. Most of the comments were positive, but I couldn't deal with the hater ones.

There are two pigs on the farm, but I don't think we are up to doing that ourselves. That's a big burly man thing I think. Or a group of big burly men. A ranch slaughter would probably scare me vegan. Where was this?!?! I can't imagine there were too many Mary Oliver poems being read beforehand?

Feel free to leave tardy comments anytime ;-)


I'm happy to read your work again, Ms. Glaze. Welcome back!

bieber supra

I like ANMJ on FB & just subscribed to the email feed! :)

get cash

Sounds fair to me. I think im dealing with this.

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